Saturday 27 December 2014

I was Right

I'm so mad I can't see straight. The fact that I'm even able to type this without murdering my poor keyboard is an enormous point for my control. Here's why I'm so mad: Hiccup looks like Hel warmed over then beaten with fifty Gronckles after reliving Dad's death ten times. When I find the poor unfortunate soul who did this, I'm going to MURDER them! Not even the gods would be able or dumb enough to stop me! I have some info from a young Skrill who Astrid is looking after that it was a Mindrake by the name of Lunar. Apparently he's a Night Fury, one of the last ones. I still feel no sympathy toward him. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who messes with my brother and expects to live without regrets, will rue the day they decided to hurt my family. I'll bide my time, though, and wait for my opportunity. In the meantime we need to get Hiccup out of danger. We'll hide him at my treelab until that (pardon my language) thrice damned beast is taken care of. Worst case scenario: Hiccup stays there until Toothless and the other Hero level dragons are back from wherever they went off on vacation to. Oh! That's another thing I forgot to mention: Toothless is missing, apparently cheated out of his ranking which, by the way, still makes him Alpha.

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